Headteacher Update

Date: 12th Feb 2024 @ 6:44pm

We’ve been busy…

Firstly, very well done to our Year 4 athletes who competed in the Annual Inter-School Superstars competition at Chelmsford Athletic stadium last Monday - all our competitors showed lots of perseverance, determination, encouragement and great teamwork and ultimately achieved 3rd place overall.  This is a brilliant result! Special mentions must go to Robyn and Freya who secured 1st and 3rd places out of all the girls. Wow!

We have also enjoyed two Safer Internet afternoons in school last week where the children have learnt even more about how to stay safe on line, whether this be whist browsing the web, engaging in chats or playing games. The feedback from both afternoons has been really positive and will undoubtedly enhance the children’s knowledge and vigilance around staying safe online. Thank you, Miss Kingston for your exceptionally informative assembly which was a great platform for our immersion into e safety!

It was lovely to welcome school governors into school last week to monitor our work towards one of our school improvement priorities. The governors were based in Year 3 and were so impressed with how engaged the children were with their learning and how hard they were working. Super!

On Thursday, we were once again very lucky to be treated to a Movie Night by our kind and generous FIPs team. The audience loved, ‘Saving Nemo’ and apart from having a great time, we managed to raise £350. Thank you FIPS!

I was also delighted to present two Random Act of Kindness Awards to Rio G and Max in Year 6 this week. Both boys showed immense kindness and patience when playing with a Year 3 child who was feeling lonely. I am so pleased that this act of kindness did not go unnoticed.