Headteacher Round-up!

Date: 29th Jan 2024 @ 11:47am

We are so pleased that our ActivAll boards are up and running! Following Miss Howlett’s assembly on Monday, the children have been allocated different times to use the boards. Miss Howlett achieved 69 points on the board and challenged the children to beat her…apparently Miss Marshall scored 74 in After School Club. Go Perryfields!


I was delighted to award a Random Act of Kindness award to Owen (Tolkien Class) in Celebration Assembly this week. Owen has shown exceptional good will to others and I am so pleased that his kindness has been acknowledged by the whole school.

Thank you to all parents and carers who visited our ‘Book Look’ on Tuesday. I’m sure you all enjoyed sharing your children’s learning and were amazed with the quality and quantity of work they have completed since September.

As always, we look at attendance throughout each term and we send letters if your child’s attendance is below 90%. This means they have missed half a day off a week. If they drop to 80% then they are missing a whole day each week. Unfortunately, it is much harder for children with poor attendance to reach their full potential. In short, their life chances will be impacted. I understand that all children are susceptible to illness but please make sure they are in school wherever possible.